Week 7 Assignment
In this shot, I took a video of the very beginning of the movie. The movie I did was The Hunchback of Notre Dame. All my other videos are from the same movie. In the beginning, it shows a beautiful shot among the clouds. The building is white, as is the rest of the setting while light shines in. Overall, a very ethereal and heavenly setting. Then the scene changes to instead view a city below the clouds, with not much light and dirty looking buildings. Not only that, unlike in above the clouds, you can see people in the streets. This video fits into contrast because it shows clear differences between the two scenes.
For leitmotif, I took two videos in order to capture the music playing behind both scenes. In the first scene, Frollo is about to throw a baby Quasimodo into the well in order to send him 'back to hell'. While he does this you can hear music playing in the background, specifically you can hear faint chants saying "Mea Culpa". In the second video, Frollo is singing about his sins as Esmeralda is in the church claiming sanctuary. In both videos, the faint chanting of "Mea Culpa" and a choir harmonizing can be heard, accompanied by an organ and other instruments. These fit into Leitmotif because the music accompanies Frollo, and is even shown more times in the movie, such as when Frollo is pursuing Esmeralda and when he's about to kill Quasimodo.
In this video, I recorded a scene when the Archdeacon is yelling at Frollo to not drown the baby. At the same time, Clopin is telling the story of what had happened. Clopin, while telling the story to the kids, exactly mimics the words the archdeacon yells and also follows the hand movements. This is shown by flashing between the characters, even if brief. This fits into Parallelism because it shows two parallels and a connection between both scenes, in this being the sound and the movements of the two characters.
In this video, Clopin begins by telling the story of the Bellringer to the children, using puppets to show Quasimodo climbing the stairs of the cathedral. As the puppet is ringing the fake bell, the scene gradually cuts to the real Bellringer, Quasimodo. Both are happening at the same time, as when Clopin continues telling the story you can hear the bells in the background. This video fits into Simultaneity because both of the scenes are taking place at the same time, and include a shift to show that they are both happening. This video could also fit into parallelism, as the music and bells ringing in the background are the same in both scenes, connecting them.
For symbolism, I took two videos, one near the middle of the movie and the other at the very end. In the second video, we can see Quasimodo sliding down one of the gargoyle heads, where water is pouting out of. As he splashes it on his face he clearly looks happy and refreshed, more lively than he had been at the beginning of the movie. This represents the beginning of his life, as soon after he escapes the cathedral to help Esmerelda. In the first video, we can see Frollo hanging on to the gargoyle as lava begins to flow out of it. Unlike Quasimodo's face, Frollo's is pale and fearful. This represents the end of Frollo's life and the end of his reign over the French people. This fits into symbolism because both videos show a clear difference between the fates of the two characters, one being given a new life and the other being forced to end his preexisting one.
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